Christ Like Ministries
First Lady Mother Lavosha Moore
It is an honor to greet you, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the creator and maker of all things. It is such a privilege to be afforded this opportunity to commune with you and express my heartfelt appreciation for your giving me this time to express to you what a blessing it is to be a part of God’s Family and lift up the name of Jesus .
So often, we feel that the only time that we need to be conscious of our actions and how we are viewed is when others are looking and/or listening. But we must daily be reminded that Jesus is always looking, not just at the outer appearance, but on the heart, as spoken in 1 Samuel 16:7…for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. We must remember that we are representatives of God and should therefore be ever mindful of him and follow the instructions set forth in his Holy Word, the Bible.
How wonderful it is to realize that God knows us better than we know ourselves, yet, in spite of all our shortcomings, he still loves us. I thank God for his mercy, grace and love towards me and I daily pray that he will keep me with a mind stayed on him. For if indeed, we truly want God to lead and guide us, we must acknowledge him in all things, no matter how small or how large (Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths).
We, at Christ Like Ministries, do mean Jesus all the way, for we are “A Teaching Ministry, Proclaiming Jesus as Lord of All”. We extend to you an invitation, to open up your hearts as you open your bibles and receive what God has to say to you. Each segment of this website points to “Jesus” through the word of God.
We truly appreciate your visiting our site and do hope that you will enjoy learning more about our ministry and be enlightened through the word of God. Sit back, relax and enjoy Jesus with us through each segment of our electronic ministry.
God bless and keep you is our prayer.